Swimming in the Persian Gulf

Had a pleasant day today. Here’s how it went:

It started out unproductively. I didn’t feel like doing anything, wasn’t feeling good mentally. Spent a large portion of it passively consuming YouTube documentaries.

But then, at around 2:00, I looked out the window and reflected on how serene it seemed. The sea was as calm as I’ve ever seen it here and there was a wonderful splash of clouds above it. It’s remarkable how the shadows cast from the clouds appeared over the sea, slowly moving.

Quiet and calm. Would’ve been amazing to experience it right then, but we’re under a curfew due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so I just went back to bed and consumed more YouTube videos.

When I realized it was 4:45 (we’re allowed out between 4:30-6:30), I looked out the window once more. It was amazing. So many families and friends out and about, enjoying the extraordinary day.

For the first time since I got here, I witnessed people swimming in the sea. I wasn’t sure the water was clean enough to swim in, but after a quick google search, it turned out the water quality isn’t as toxic as I had thought.

But I felt like I couldn’t join them. My hair was all kinds of messy and I felt smelly. Also wasn’t sure I would have enough time to really enjoy it.

I was overthinking, as per usual.

I paced around my apartment obsessively contemplating whether or not I should go. I eventually decided it was too good of an experience to miss out on.

I mean…I’ve been stuck in the apartment for so long. It’s unnatural for a human being to be confined like I have been. I felt a rush of nostalgia for the outdoors; the trees, fresh air, sounds, and all that good stuff.

I hurriedly put on the swim trunks, grabbed my towel, and rushed to the sea.

It was amazing.

Without giving it much thought, I laid down my towel, took off my shoes, and gently entered the perfectly lukewarm water.

Really felt amazing.

The sun was setting and I was there all alone, with some of the most peaceful thoughts I’ve had in a couple of months.

I felt indistinguishable from the children in the beach- the way I was paddling around and gazing at my surrounding in awe. There was a persistent grin on my face- I could feel it, but not control it.