The Dreamer in Me
I’ve had the self-awareness for a long time now to know that I tend to romanticize the past and future. It’s both good and bad. Unfortunately, I’ve been expecting reality to line up with my ideals. I lament the missed opportunities caused by my heightened expectations. Don’t get me wrong- even to this day, I […]
Pesky Moth
Huge locust (not moth, as I wrongly assume) flew into my apartment. So damn uncomfortable.
I Got Scammed
In this voice memo, I discuss: falling for a housing deposit scam and searching for apartment’s in Kuwait. I had been staying at a temporary accomodation until then. $300-$400 was a lot of money for me.
Please Remember
Sometimes the only way I can act on something that I really want to do (or have to do) is by clouding my mind to a certain extent. The conflicting thoughts that I’m always talking about get the best of me. The contradictions. Knowing that I have to do something, and having many sound reasons […]
Black Magic
It’s astounding to me how there are people so evil, so wicked that they try to employ whatever supernatural force they can to harm others. Take magic, for example. Black magic, juju, satanic witchcraft, all that disgustingly evil stuff! The sucky part is that it might be the case that some people are born with […]
Don’t get Complaisant
“When things are going smoothly in my life, something horrendously terrible happens: I get too comfortable. Elongated comfort is in my opinion unnatural to the human experience. Its consequences manifest in the form of procrastination. Later when things get tougher, I find myself regrettably pondering my inaction during the times of comfort. It’s hard to […]
Awareness of Power
I’m starting to confidently believe that the blinding force of certain forms of power causes a lot of the world’s problems. I remember how in my junior year of college I was so intrigued by power that I obsessively researched its historic and present functionalities. In particular, I read a book titled The End of […]
Thursday Night
It’s approaching midnight right now. September 6, 2018 is the date; it’s one of those hectic Thursday nights. Not hectic whatsoever in my room though as it’s the coziest when it’s so loud outside. That’s how I always described my apartment in Denver (I know, I know I’m always talking about that apartment). I used […]
Should I Always be Myself?
“4/28/16, 5:37 PM Should I always be myself or change at times?” I was peeking through my journal and the above entry really stood out. It’s a critical question I still don’t have an answer to, and I worry that I’ll always be in conflict over. I can’t remember the afternoon I wrote it, […]
There’s No Time
In truth, I’ve been plagued by procrastination these past two years since graduating from college. Procrastination brought about by a wide variety of factors, including bouts of sadness, distractions, a sense of powerlessness, and worst of all: this feeling that I’ll have time in the future to do whatever it is I desire to do. […]